Navigating sensitivity is one of the biggest areas of my life focus. I have learned to navigate it in my family relationships, in my work life, and within myself as I tackle and tame my inner critic, apply good self-care principles, and remain calm and anxiety-free as much as is possible for a highly sensitive person.
As I look back on 2024, I’m proud of my editorial team’s focus and direction in these top 10 HSP articles of 2024. The data comes from our Google Analytics account and speaks of the hard facts including numbers of pageviews, users, and time spent on each article. I’m thankful for your readership and look forward to a stellar 2025 filled with growth, insight, and perception of how to claim and navigate sensitivity to be sensitive and be free.

Table of Contents
#1 – Highly Sensitive Spouse: Understanding and Supporting Your Partner’s Emotions
Do you ever feel like your spouse is too sensitive? Are you struggling to understand why certain things that don’t bother you at all seem to upset them so much? If so, you may have a highly sensitive spouse. If you’re here at chances are you might be sensitive yourself. This article is intended to provide some support to your partner, so feel free to share it with them in order to understand you as an HSP better.
- Supporting your sensitive spouse is one way that navigating sensitivity well can have a major impact on your day-to-day happiness.
#2 – 25 Good Jobs for the Highly Sensitive Person
Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to their environment, including emotions, sounds, and physical sensations. While this trait can be a challenge in many situations, it can also be a strength in the right career. For HSPs, it’s important to find work that aligns with their strengths and preferences, allowing them to thrive in their professional lives. One who considers him or herself a Highly Sensitive Person finds that they are highly creative, attuned to their environment, and willing to work hard at uncovering their inner calling of purpose in the world. This article shares 25 good jobs for the Highly Sensitive Person, I hope it provides some great ideas as you consider the work that you hope to do.
- Fostering your career and priming it for attunement with your sensitivity can have a huge impact on navigating sensitivity in your life.
#3 – Books on the Highly Sensitive Person: Top 10 Must-Reads for HSPs in 2023
Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) can be both an enriching experience and a challenging one. HSPs are individuals who experience the world more vividly, processing stimuli at a deeper level, which leads to unique emotional and empathetic experiences. By understanding your highly sensitive nature, you can better navigate your relationships, career, and personal well-being. One of the best ways to gain insight into this personality trait is through books that delve into the intricacies of being a Highly Sensitive Person.
- Reading and becoming educated on yourself as an HSP can assist in navigating sensitivity in your life and adding to your daily satisfaction.
#4 – The Key Differences Between Being High Maintenance and Highly Sensitive
Do you ever feel like you’re walking on eggshells around someone? Or that you can’t seem to do anything right? Maybe you’ve been accused of being “high maintenance” in a relationship or at work. But what if you’re not actually high maintenance, but instead, highly sensitive?
- Understanding the key differences between high maintenance and high sensitivity is an important distinction in navigating sensitivity and harnessing it for maximum personal growth and understanding.
#5 – HSPJourney – Your Journey as a Highly Sensitive – Homepage
Welcome to—a safe, supportive space for highly sensitive people (HSPs) to learn more about their unique trait, connect with a like-minded community, and find practical resources for thriving. Our mission is to empower HSPs to embrace their sensitivity as a strength and discover ways to navigate life with greater understanding and resilience. is a community for highly sensitive individuals who want to learn more about the highly sensitive person (HSP) trait as researched by Dr. Elaine Aron. Founded by Lauren Hunter, HSP-trained coach, author, and book writer coach, she aims to empower and equip sensitive people with resources, education, and validation.

#6 – 3 Distinctions Between HSP and Autism
As you embark on a journey to understand yourself better as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you may notice some overlap between traits of HSP and autism. In fact, many are unsure if they are a Highly Sensitive Person or if they are autistic, and few resources are available to give a meaningful distinction between the two. (By guest writer, Stephanie Bethany.)
- New research shows that many HSPs do possess some of the traits of autism. By seeking counseling and advice in this area, you can aim for navigating sensitivity in your life to attain the resources you need.
#7 – Downtime for HSPs: Balancing Sleep, Solitude, and Relaxation for Well-Being
You may have noticed – even before you suspected yourself to be a Highly Sensitive Person – that you have always needed more downtime. I remember enjoying being alone as a child, not liking being rushed, or having too many after-school activities. I was mostly content to play by myself at my own pace. Fast forward a few years and I still require time alone daily, lots of sleep, and feel content to pursue my work and hobbies at my own pace. Downtime for HSPs is a common area of question. We HSPs often don’t look like our friends or family in terms of necessary downtime. In truth, we need more sleep than average, sometimes as much as 10 or 12 hours. We love having multiple hours a day alone, and we need good chunks of downtime to maintain our sanity and feel satisfied with life.
- Uncovering the unique ways you like to experience downtime can help your attempts at navigating sensitivity to achieve a more balanced and relaxed life.

Looking for an HSP-Trained coach to help you align your life with your priorities?
Through my Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) certification with the Nickerson Institute, as well as being an HSP, I offer HSP coaching to develop specific goals around your HSP needs. We HSPs frequently deal with anxiety and overstimulated nervous systems that prevent us from achieving peace and attaining our life goals. HSP coaching with me includes a detailed review of your sensitivities and a mutually-desired plan for growth and management of this superpower to shift negativity and begin seeing yourself as the hero of your own story. [Coaching packages start at $150 per month.]
#8 – 10 Books About Parenting Highly Sensitive Children
Books help us uncover knowledge and often are the most helpful way to learn about the Highly Sensitive Person trait. Parenting Highly Sensitive children is hard and books can offer insight, help, and advice on best practices to work into our parenting arsenal. Highly Sensitive Children (HSC) often require more attention, more guidance, and more help as they navigate a world filled with stimulation.
- Children need attentive parents who prioritize navigating sensitivity in their growth and development.
#9 – Do Highly Sensitive People Change as They Age? (6 Ways to Support HSP Aging Process)
As a psychologist, I’m frequently asked if I believe that people can change as adults. Frankly, I don’t think I could have lasted a quarter of a century in this field if my answer weren’t an emphatic YES! Adults can and do change across their lifespans, despite the cliches of the grumpy elder who is stuck in their ways. Let’s look at HSP Aging from the research about adult development and how we can use this information to support ourselves as aging highly sensitive people (HSPs). (By guest writer, Lori Cangilla, Ph.D.)
- Understanding the aging process for HSPs means navigating sensitivity in new ways as one gets older.
Looking for HSP Tools to Thrive in a Chaotic World?
The modern world is often overwhelming and stressful for those of us with sensitive nervous systems. Many of us have suffered from the challenges of high stress, anxiety, sensory overload, and mental health and physical health issues. Fortunately, after years of working with and researching Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), Julie Bjelland has developed many tools that have not only helped her but thousands of HSPs all over the world move out of survival mode living and into thriving. In this free webinar, she’ll share the tools that HSPs have found the most life-changing. Her goal is to help you live to your fullest potential because the world needs you.
Join this free webinar and get tools to help you thrive as an HSP!
#10 – Is There a Connection Between HSP and Neurodiversity?
In recent years, many researchers, psychologists, and therapists who study the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) have been asking the question, is there a connection between HSP and neurodiversity? As an HSP, you may have heard about the discussion of sensitivity fitting into the term, “neurodivergence” or “neurodiversity” and not know if it applies to you as a Highly Sensitive Person.
- Neurodiversity brings up important issues related to navigating sensitivity and better understanding any connections between being and HSP and having a diagnosed neurodiversity.
Be sensitive, be free
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[…] Navigating work environments as an HSP requires self-awareness and effective communication. […]