Guarding your heart is a powerful concept that can shape your entire life journey. For those of us who are more sensitive than others, guarding your heart and mind isn't just a nicety, it's an essential. Guarding your heart as a highly sensitive person is about being mindful of what you allow into your innermost being - your thoughts, emotions, and core values. By carefully protecting your heart, you set the foundation for a life of purpose and fulfillment.... Read More
HSP Relationships
All HSP Relationships look slightly different. Marriage, friendship, and parent/child relationships are difficult but rewarding when we better understand ourselves as HSPs.
Why Do Sensitive People Struggle More with Friendships?
For many highly sensitive people, navigating friendships can be tricky territory. Because we tend to feel things quite intensely, overthink what we say and do, and sometimes over-connect with people in our attempts to show our affection, sensitive people struggle more with friendships. Moreover, you likely find that deep, meaningful connections are a non-negotiable need, and anything less can be unsettling or dissatisfying.... Read More
The Essential Guide to Empaths and Narcissists
Navigating relationships can be complex, especially if you're a highly sensitive person. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by toxic interactions, you might find value in The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People by Shahida Arabi. There does seem to be a connection between HSPs, empaths and narcissists, and this helpful book is an essential guide. This book offers practical insights for reclaiming your power and setting boundaries with difficult individuals.... Read More
4 Strategies to Equip Yourself When Oversensitive to Criticism
If you’re a highly sensitive person, the word “criticism” might make you cringe. You may even consider it a dirty word. What others think to be constructive and helpful criticism can feel like destructive criticism to an HSP. In this article, we’ll explore why HSPs often struggle with criticism and offer some strategies for how to equip yourself when oversensitive to criticism.... Read More
Challenging Masculine Stereotypes for Sensitive Men
Men who are highly sensitive have a tendency to struggle with masculine stereotypes. In this article, you will explore the concept of masculinity beyond traditional roles and challenge the preconceived notions that have restrained men for far too long. Challenging masculine stereotypes for sensitive men is an important and frequently overlooked topic.... Read More
4 Unique HSP Aging Benefits
Some aspects of growing older are indeed less appealing, but there are some HSP aging benefits to consider. As a fellow highly sensitive people (HSP), I aim to share four HSP aging benefits so that you can be on the lookout for them in your own life and take steps to consciously cultivate them.... Read More