Write for Us
We’d love to have you write for our highly sensitive audience!
Our goal here at HSPJourney.com is to provide a variety of knowledgable voices within the HSP community. This will naturally include the voices of individuals and their own HSP journey stories as well as articles by teachers, therapists, and coaches in the Highly Sensitive Person community.
what to expect
01. Inquire
Send an email to [email protected]m with one or two short article pitch ideas including the proposed title, topic, and scope of your article. We’ll be in touch within a couple of days to connect.
02. Step Two
We’ll send you a freelance writer’s agreement with the title, word count, and due date plus our writer’s guidelines. Once signed, you can begin writing.
03. Step Three
Upload your finished article (after you follow our guidelines, edit, run it through Grammarly, and proofread it) to our intake form here.
04. Step Four
Our editor will confirm receipt of your post and send your payment (if it’s a paid post). All articles will include your byline with your name, bio, and links to your website and social media. Thanks for contributing!