The field of early childhood mental health is exciting and holds much hope for those of us blessed with Highly Sensitive Children (whether we know they are sensitive or not). Through my work in this field, I've helped many parents overcome challenging situations and find joy in parenting again by uncovering sensitive behaviors in their children and addressing needs, early on. In this article, I'll share three key secrets from early childhood mental health for Highly Sensitive Parents.... Read More
4 Strategies to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm as a Highly Sensitive Person
Are you wondering how to avoid holiday overwhelm as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? As a young woman who didn’t fully understand what it meant to be an HSP, my way of coping was to embrace my inner grinch. It’s going to be so stressful, I would think, so much commotion, so many demands, so many disappointments.... Read More
Finding Your Freedom as a Highly Sensitive Person
It can be hard to find your freedom in being highly sensitive. Before understanding the Highly Sensitive Person trait, I felt as though my sensitivity was a trap and something I couldn't handle well. I was afraid that I'd cry unexpectedly if someone criticized me at work. I was fearful that my boss would give me too many projects and I'd feel so quickly overwhelmed that I'd lose my cool. I avoided confrontation at all costs, knowing it would send me into a tailspin. Until I discovered the HSP trait in midlife, I had virtually no understanding of what it meant to be highly sensitive. Today, Finding your freedom as a Highly Sensitive Person is a reality within reach.... Read More
3 HSP Books to Calm, Inspire, and Strengthen
Understanding yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) can bring meaning, depth, and strength to your identity and sense of self. Some do not recognize or come across the data about the HSP trait until later in life. Others may have learned about their sensitivity trait while growing up or working with a counselor. Whenever you began learning about the HSP trait, it is likely that you came across HSP books that explained or unpacked what sensitivity is and how you can better understand yourself through the research around the Highly Sensitive Person. ... Read More
3 Essentials of Attachment Theory for the Highly Sensitive Person
Many Highly Sensitive Persons who grew up with parents with mismatched attachment styles find that they struggle to make deep and lasting connections as adults. In this article, we'll look at three essentials of Attachment Theory for the Highly Sensitive Person. ... Read More
Free Gratitude Journal for the Highly Sensitive Person
Some days, it can be hard to find things to be grateful for. The baby is crying, your back hurts, and you had a fight with your partner last night and still haven't made up. This is life. However, often when we take time out to stop and truly appreciate the people around us, the life we have, and the opportunities we get each day, we have the power to turn the tides and change our perspective. Each year, November rolls around and we have a whole month where we can pause to spend a few extra minutes in gratitude each day. Because I adore this audience and am an HSP myself, I've created this unique and free gratitude journal for the Highly Sensitive Person. ... Read More
Bittersweet by Susan Cain Exceptional New Book for Highly Sensitive Person
Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole (Crown, 2022) is a new book by Susan Cain that details the role of sadness and beauty in sorrow as critical components to a happy life. If you're more of an optimistic or extroverted HSP, you might not fully understand what this book captures. This new book doesn't bill itself as a book for the Highly Sensitive Person, but let me tell you, as an HSP, many of us are wired to notice the subtleties in music, to appreciate the sorrowful songs, and to notice the hurt and broken people around us. It's both a curse and a gift, I can safely say. ... Read More
Is There a Highly Sensitive Person Scale?
It's normal to want to better understand yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP. You may have spent your childhood and much of your adulthood not understanding yourself. Maybe you never understood why you needed more downtime than others, why new environments or obnoxious people exhausted you so greatly, or perhaps the way you noticed subtleties in your environment drove your partner crazy. We measure lots of things on a scale including pain and happiness. You might be wondering, is there a Highly Sensitive Person scale?... Read More
3 Benefits of Imperfect Journaling for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you were born with an exquisitely responsive nervous system that takes in detailed information about your environment. You thoroughly process your thoughts and emotions, and you care deeply about other people and the natural world. Imperfect journaling is a type of practice for the HSP that can allow you the freedom to explore while taking good care of yourself and your emotional needs.... Read More
Affirmations for Empaths, New Journal by Dr. Judith Orloff
You might be wondering if you’re an empath. You might also ask whether a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and Empath are in fact the same things. We have shared the... Read More