As a Highly Sensitive Person who became an integrative mental health coach, I’ve experienced both sides of the table in HSP coaching. I have been the HSP seeking support for my challenges, and I’ve been the coach supporting HSPs with their struggles. When I think about my experiences and those that others have shared with me, I realized there I had similar challenges in common with my clients — specifically, there are three common reasons that HSPs seek coaching.... Read More
HSP self-care
HSP self-care is vital to take care of yourself as a highly sensitive.
Authentic Self-Care for the Depressed HSP
Many adults, as well as those who consider themselves Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), have had times when they have felt down, lacked energy and motivation, and thought poorly of themselves. At these times, they may even describe themselves as depressed. In this article, I am to offer authentic self-care for the depressed HSP.... Read More
5 Best Practices for Working with an HSP Coach
Deciding to work with a life coach who understands and has done training around the Highly Sensitive Person trait is a great way to honor your identity and find someone who can truly help you. An HSP coach can offer a nuanced approach to listening and understanding your needs and can push you in just the right areas for growth. In this article, I'll share five best practices for working with an HSP coach that will help you on your way. ... Read More
5 Sunrise Alarm Clocks for HSPs with Seasonal Affective Disorder (Plus 2 Apps)
Many highly sensitive people report experiencing Season Affective Disorder that interferes with their ability to wake up easily. Waking up can be difficult if you struggle to get a good night's sleep. Sometimes a sensitive person has too much on their mind and has trouble winding down. Getting a good night's sleep is extremely important, especially for those with Sensory Processing Sensitivity, called the Highly Sensitive Person trait. Purchasing a sunrise alarm clock can be a good remedy for HSPs with Seasonal Affective Disorder.... Read More
14 Self-Care Ideas for the Highly Sensitive Person
Self-care ideas for the Highly Sensitive Person is an incredibly important topic, one that needs revisiting on a regular basis. Also known as the Sensory Processing Sensitivity Trait, being highly sensitive doesn't mean that you have a disorder or medical diagnosis, it means that you have more mirror neurons in your brain which cause you to pick up on more stimuli in your environment. ... Read More
4 Strategies to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm as a Highly Sensitive Person
Are you wondering how to avoid holiday overwhelm as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? As a young woman who didn’t fully understand what it meant to be an HSP, my way of coping was to embrace my inner grinch. It’s going to be so stressful, I would think, so much commotion, so many demands, so many disappointments.... Read More