As a psychologist, I’m frequently asked if I believe that people can change as adults. Frankly, I don’t think I could have lasted a quarter of a century in this field if my answer weren’t an emphatic YES! Adults can and do change across their lifespans, despite the cliches of the grumpy elder who is stuck in their ways. Let’s look at HSP Aging from the research about adult development and how we can use this information to support ourselves as aging highly sensitive people (HSPs).... Read More
HSP Journey
HSP Journey is a place for you to share your stories, discuss common traits within those who consider themselves highly sensitive, and be sensitive and be free.
Curb HSP Overwhelm Through Creativity (6 Ways)
As a creative Highly Sensitive Person, overwhelm can often take over my landscape. However, I have found that incorporating creative self-care practices into my routine can help alleviate stress and calm my nervous system. In fact, you can curb HSP overwhelm through creativity. Even if you don't consider yourself a creative person, there are still ways to leverage creativity to reduce anxiety and feel more centered. In this section, I will share six of my favorite ways to creatively reduce overwhelm.... Read More
Is There a Connection Between HSP and Neurodiversity?
In recent years, many researchers, psychologists, and therapists who study the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) have been asking the question, is there a connection between HSP and neurodiversity? As an HSP, you may have heard about the discussion of sensitivity fitting into the term, "neurodivergence" or "neurodiversity" and not know if it applies to you as a Highly Sensitive Person. ... Read More
11 Authentic Signs You Might be a Highly Sensitive Person
If you struggled during your childhood or young adulthood with the demands placed on you by your parents, your school, or your friends, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Children who are quieter, more reserved, less competitive, more creative, and more astute in their observations of the world around them frequently find out that they are highly sensitive. High sensitivity isn't a curse, and it's not a disorder. In this article, we aim to share authentic signs you might be a Highly Sensitive Person. ... Read More
30 Bold Affirmations for Overwhelmed HSPs
Many of us who identify with being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), frequently live in a near-constant state of sensory, emotional, and physical overstimulation, or overwhelm. Overwhelm is the emotion that rises up when we are overstimulated in one or more areas. It can be hard to plan ahead, evaluate a situation, adjust expectations, and experience overwhelm despite everything you've done to prepare. And yet, as HSPs, we need to be prepared with an arsenal to combat the overwhelm feeling that will inevitably overtake us from day to day. In this article, I'd like to share these bold affirmations for overwhelmed HSPs. ... Read More
HSP Careers for Overwhelmed Introverts
When asked what their least favorite trait of high sensitivity is, people will often answer that feeling easily overwhelmed is top of their list. I remember interacting with a new boss early in my professional career who managed his staff by heaping loads of projects, deadlines, and assignments on me until I cried 'uncle.' He then mocked me (in a fun-loving way, of course) by parroting back to me in a sarcastic voice, "I feel so overwhelmed!" ... Read More