Have you ever wondered why you struggle to navigate environmental stimulation? Do you dislike being too hot, notice when the barometric pressure drops, dislike loud concerts or events, or have trouble concentrating in a loud restaurant? As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I have always had to regulate environmental stimuli in a variety of ways in order to navigate overwhelm and overstimulation that I experience. Below, I'll take a stab at offering you insightful ways HSPs navigate environmental stimulation to the best of my ability.... Read More
HSP Journey
HSP Journey is a place for you to share your stories, discuss common traits within those who consider themselves highly sensitive, and be sensitive and be free.
Spring Cleaning Your HSP Life
I grew up in a family that had a tradition of spring cleaning. My grandmother was especially thorough and even washed the walls of her attic, which was only used for storing her holiday decorations. As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) I do have to pace myself and wasn't able to match her rigor, I do feel that there's something regenerative about spring cleaning your HSP life. ... Read More
25 Good Jobs for the Highly Sensitive Person
Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to their environment, including emotions, sounds, and physical sensations. While this trait can be a challenge in many situations, it can also be a strength in the right career. For HSPs, it's important to find work that aligns with their strengths and preferences, allowing them to thrive in their professional lives. One who considers him or herself a Highly Sensitive Person finds that they are highly creative, attuned to their environment, and willing to work hard at uncovering their inner calling of purpose in the world. This article shares 25 good jobs for the Highly Sensitive Person, I hope it provides some great ideas as you consider the work that you hope to do. ... Read More
Is HSP the same as SPS?
You may have heard about sensitivity in negative ways your entire life. This was mostly true for me until I came across the term, Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), at the age of 40. Called Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) by researchers, this scientific term is frequently confused with another condition called Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) which is a disorder that affects how your brain processes stimuli. You may be wondering, is HSP the same as SPS?... Read More
Authentic Self-Care for the Depressed HSP
Many adults, as well as those who consider themselves Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), have had times when they have felt down, lacked energy and motivation, and thought poorly of themselves. At these times, they may even describe themselves as depressed. In this article, I am to offer authentic self-care for the depressed HSP.... Read More
5 Goals for Managing Clutter as a Highly Sensitive Person (Plus 6 Issues to Tackle)
Because you're sensitive (which is an incredible superpower) you know that you're unique, gifted, and an excellent addition to your circle of family and friends. You love helping others and exploring all that life has to offer while navigating the minefield of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), the clinical term for the Highly Sensitive Person. You might also have noticed that your environment matters a lot and that managing clutter as a Highly Sensitive Person is practically a full-time job. ... Read More