Downtime for HSPs is a common area of question. We HSPs often don't look like our friends or family in terms of necessary downtime. In truth, we need more sleep than average, sometimes as much as 10 or 12 hours. We love having multiple hours a day alone, and we need good chunks of downtime to maintain our sanity and feel satisfied with life.... Read More
5 Sunrise Alarm Clocks for HSPs with Seasonal Affective Disorder (Plus 2 Apps)
Many highly sensitive people report experiencing Season Affective Disorder that interferes with their ability to wake up easily. Waking up can be difficult if you struggle to get a good night's sleep. Sometimes a sensitive person has too much on their mind and has trouble winding down. Getting a good night's sleep is extremely important, especially for those with Sensory Processing Sensitivity, called the Highly Sensitive Person trait. Purchasing a sunrise alarm clock can be a good remedy for HSPs with Seasonal Affective Disorder.... Read More