If you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you may have a unique set of qualities that can make you an exceptional coach. HSPs are often empathetic, intuitive, and insightful, which can be valuable assets in helping others achieve their goals. If you are considering starting an HSP coaching business, there are several things to consider before launching your practice.... Read More
hsp coaching
How do I Become an HSP Coach? (Plus 5 Benefits)
While I was training to become an integrative mental health coach a few years ago, I learned that I have the Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) trait, which is the clinical term for Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Learning about my sensitivity revolutionized my approach to my career, and I thought, How do I become an HSP coach? (This was something I really needed for myself, and something I eventually offered to my clients through the HSP certification course I helped develop.)... Read More