It can be hard to find your freedom in being highly sensitive. Before understanding the Highly Sensitive Person trait, I felt as though my sensitivity was a trap and something I couldn't handle well. I was afraid that I'd cry unexpectedly if someone criticized me at work. I was fearful that my boss would give me too many projects and I'd feel so quickly overwhelmed that I'd lose my cool. I avoided confrontation at all costs, knowing it would send me into a tailspin. Until I discovered the HSP trait in midlife, I had virtually no understanding of what it meant to be highly sensitive. Today, Finding your freedom as a Highly Sensitive Person is a reality within reach.... Read More
be sensitive be free
Single Tasking Instead of Multitasking Game Changer for HSP Women
If you learn early on in life that multitasking allows you to get more done, you can fall into the trap of feeling like you always should be multitasking instead of single-tasking--no matter what is going on and whether you're highly sensitive or not. There's something in the nature of highly sensitive women and our people-pleasing natures that impact the ways we juggle multiple things at once versus doing one thing at a time. While I do enjoy walking or driving and listening to podcasts, and while I can clean the kitchen while talking to one of my kids about their day, when it comes to high-level tasks that require focused attention and strong concentration, single-tasking wins over multitasking every time.... Read More