Navigating sensitivity is one of the biggest areas of my life focus. I have learned to navigate it in my family relationships, in my work life, and within myself as I tackle and tame my inner critic, apply good self-care principles, and remain calm and anxiety-free as much as is possible for a highly sensitive person. As I look back on 2024, I'm proud of my editorial team's focus and direction in these top 10 HSP articles of 2024. ... Read More
Navigating Holiday Anxiety as a Highly Sensitive Person
The holiday season is a time for joy and togetherness, but for highly sensitive individuals, it can also bring about overwhelming anxiety and stress. As a highly sensitive person (HSP), you might find that the constant stimulation, socializing, and heightened emotional atmosphere take a toll on your mental well-being. Navigating holiday anxiety as a highly sensitive person is essential to ensure that you can enjoy the festivities while taking care of your emotional needs.... Read More
5 Menopause Challenges for HSP Women
Navigating perimenopause, which eventually leads to full menopause, can be a challenging experience, especially for highly sensitive women. It's a time marked by significant physical and emotional changes, and it’s essential to address both the shortcomings of the medical system and the need for personal healing during this transition. Being aware of these five menopause challenges for HSP women can help you through this completely normal life change.... Read More
14 Steps to Peace for HSPs Using the Self-Compassion Test
Struggling with self-criticism? Does your inner critic chatter in your ear every time you make a mistake or misstep? Taking the self-compassion test can help you assess how kind you are to yourself during difficult times. Taking this research-based assessment provides valuable insights into your levels of self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness - the three core components of self-compassion that are scored in the self-compassion test.... Read More
Maintaining Solid Boundaries Through Challenging Holiday Situations
The end of the year holidays, both secular and religious, are rapidly approaching. With them come the weight of expectations, hopes, and fantasies about what the holidays can and should be. Whatever and however you celebrate, if you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP), you’ve probably noticed that the holidays have a way of stirring up the nervous system. If I could wave a wand and take all the stress, pain, and angst of the holidays away, you’d see me swinging my arms like a professional athlete. But unfortunately, that isn’t the kind of magic the holidays hold. So short of that, I recommend that each of us work on maintaining solid boundaries to help us get through the challenges of the holiday season.... Read More
Top 9 HSP Podcasts About Being a Highly Sensitive Person
Listening to podcasts can be a great way to consume helpful and illuminating information about the Highly Sensitive Person trait. As with any topic, there are many experts producing wonderful HSP podcasts to shed light on this important topic and area of personality research. As we researched, we found that there were nine excellent HSP podcasts that offer different perspectives from different coaches. ... Read More
7 Tips for Deep Winter Rest for the Sensitive Soul
Winter is coming and for many of us, this means cold long nights. I’m reminded with each passing day of just how powerful these seasonal shifts can be, especially for us highly sensitive people. Winter has a unique energy—a deep, quiet pull inward that invites us to slow down, cozy up, and find comfort in stillness. I've found over the years that I must become intentional around finding deep winter rest for the sensitive soul.... Read More
Self-Acceptance and Change for the Highly Sensitive Person
I suspect that there is no one alive who wouldn’t prefer to feel more accepting of themselves. After all, there’s nothing pleasant about being harsh and critical of ourselves. We get enough of that from the world around us. Yet, at the same time as we’d like to be more self-accepting, most of us would be happiest if we could change all the things we dislike about ourselves. HSPs are no exception to getting pulled into a tug of war between self-acceptance and change.... Read More
Take Back Your Power from Narcissists and Toxic People
Navigating relationships can be complex, especially if you're a highly sensitive person. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by toxic interactions, you might find value in The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People. This book is the essential guide to learn to reclaim your power from narcissists and toxic people by setting boundaries with difficult individuals.... Read More
5 Simple Mental Health Goals for HSPs
With the year coming to an end, thinking about goals related to mental health comes to mind. Why? Because as a highly sensitive person, some of my biggest challenges are issues I face around my mental health. I aspire to be more balanced, to have more patience, and to navigate my days with grace, peace, and joy. But let's be real, sometimes I'm cranky, irritable, and stuck in my negative thought patterns. So, for the coming year, I decided to set five simple mental health goals for myself.... Read More