If you were to look back on yourself as a child as though you were a detective, what would you notice? Would you have seen the way you felt misunderstood? Would you have sensed the hole deep inside where you wished you were understood? Many of us did not have the language to describe or the education around the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) trait to notice our sensitivity.... Read More
6 HSP Quizzes to Determine if You’re Highly Sensitive
Taking a quiz to determine if you're highly sensitive can uncover keys to your personality. Most of us long to better understand ourselves because we're highly sensitive and have always felt different from others. Do you suspect you're highly sensitive? Do you feel exhausted when you're exposed to too many stimuli? Do you prefer to be quiet, with few people, and close to those who know and love you? If you're curious about the HSP trait and think you might be highly sensitive, these HSP quizzes below can offer insight and perhaps confirmation:... Read More
5 Things You Probably Didn’t Get as a Highly Sensitive Child
Looking back at your childhood without knowing you were a Highly Sensitive Child (HSC), you probably didn't get exactly what you needed from your parents, your teachers, or your friends. Dr. Elaine Aron's book, The Highly Sensitive Child, released in 2002, nearly 20 years ago, and is the defacto manual for better understanding the segment of kids.... Read More
4 Best Mindfulness Apps for Every Highly Sensitive Person to Manage Stress
Below are four of the best mindfulness apps for every Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) to manage stress, in alphabetical order:... Read More
HSP 101: Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person Trait
means. It might sound like a put-down, or maybe something you overheard a parent say about you to someone else. Whichever way you cut it, being called sensitive has almost always been a bad thing. That is, until Dr. Elaine Aron began to study what she named, “the Highly Sensitive Person trait.”... Read More