Even highly sensitive people who have a regular wellness routine (be it yoga, meditation, connection with nature, grounding) can get knocked off center, and become drained or overwhelmed. When this happens, it’s normal to try and understand why. While perhaps not innate for all HSPs, many possess something I like to call, HSP resilience.

Table of Contents
When you begin trying to understand why you’re drained, sometimes the answer is evident. There’s tension between you and a coworker. Something you tried and really wanted, failed. You broke your diet plan and are kicking yourself for it. Most of the time, however, it’s not that straightforward.
Sometimes we get caught in a deluge of questions and self reflection:
- Why am I feeling this way?
- What have I been thinking or doing to cause this shift?
- Am I feeling off balance because ____? (Insert every negative thing that’s happened)
- Have I been pushing my feelings down about ________? (List every person or scenario in your life that may be imperfect)
As an HSP, you may find yourself sliding into the emotional detective mode, believing that if you could identify the source of what’s shaking you up, you could rectify it and shift back to your balanced center. But I would like to invite you to consider that in most cases, identifying the source of your mental/emotional suffering is a waste of time and can actually intensify or prolong the situation.
Tapping into HSP Resilience to Put the Fire Out
“You don’t have to know how the fire started. You just need to put it out.”
I love that analogy because it reminds me that when I am in a dark place, be it emotionally, mentally, or energetically, there’s no point in trying to figure out how I got there. Just like a house filled with smoke, I cannot see clearly enough to investigate how the fire started. I just need to put it out.
That’s where the energy exercises for HSP resilience come it. They are like a proverbial fire extinguisher, allowing me to get to a safe space — a space where my amygdala isn’t being hijacked and my fight-flight system can cool down.
It is only then, when I am free and clear of the smoke and fire, I can get some perspective on the situation. So next time you’re feeling caught in a mental-emotional-energetic fire, try these exercises.
#1 – Energy Technique for HSP Resilience: Ask out loud, “Is this mine?”
It may seem like an overly simple remedy, but this technique has been shown to be effective for highly sensitive people. If I had to guess (and there’s probably quantum field research already done on this), the energetic biofield that surrounds us is acting like an antenna and can communicate with our subconscious and/or central nervous system.
Activity: When you ask the question, “Is this mine?”, if the emotions/energy is not yours, you may feel a release of tension around your heart and your body, and your thought pattern will shift instantly. Note what you experience. If you do not feel any release, I encourage you to try the next few exercises.
Can you imagine feeling more balanced, confident, and at ease? Are you ready to learn the skills to help shift your energy and emotions?
If you’re an HSP/empath who’s ready to feel more comfortable in your “sensitive skin”, this digital workbook is for you.
With over 100 pages of engaging, uplifting material — including 20 energy-shifting exercises and how-to videos — the Energy Skills Workbook for HSP/Empath Adults will help you develop awareness and adaptability, resulting in increased self-confidence and mental/physical wellness.
#2 – Energy Technique for HSP Resilience: Move Forward. Literally.
Beyond my first-hand experiences, there’s also research to support the connection between the visual field, stress, and forward motion. Walking, running, roller blading, zip lining – even riding in a car can do the trick. One reason for this is because lateralized eye movements that occur when we are moving forward, quiet the activity of the amygdala (the stress center of the brain).
Moving forward also stimulates creativity, which is a much higher vibration than stress and overwhelm. Creativity helps us problem solve and to see them from different perspectives.
A fun fact: The Eagles wrote some of their best songs while on tour in their bus, an occurrence they attribute to the forward movement of the vehicle.
Take a walk around your neighborhood after determining a problem or word you want to ponder to gain clarity. Don’t listen to music, meditate on this word or phrase. When you return home, journal about what you came up with while walking.

#3 – Energy Technique for HSP Resilience: Calling Back Your Energy
I realized the power of this practice after visiting out of town family. When I got home, I felt somewhat weakened and fragmented, as if I left a part of myself with them. Of course, that’s exactly what happened. Some of my energy remained behind. I wasn’t surprised that the first time I did this exercise, a swell of energy rushed to me. The intensity can vary, but it’s always been effective for me.
Standing with your hands in a receiving position, close your eyes and imagine specks of your energy dispersed outside of your aura/biofield coming back to you. As if your hands were magnets, feel them drawing back your energy.
I find it helps to recite this during the exercise: I call back my energy from the people, places and events where it was left behind. I call back my energy from my past, my future, and my dreams and any dimension beyond this space and time. I am wholly present and complete as an energy being.
This practice can also be done as a giving back of others’ energy, too! If you feel bogged down with stuff that’s not yours, simply reverse the process.
Standing with your palms facing outward in front of you, close your eyes and imagine specks of energy being dispersed from your aura/biofield out into the world. It may help to imagine a breeze blowing from behind you, washing away the energetic debris.
Recite: I send back the energy to the people, places and events where I may have collected it. I send back any energy that is not mine to its rightful being.
For more energy exercises, HSP guidebooks, and free downloads, visit Jeannette’s site at https://www.empathdiary.com/workbook/.
Be sensitive, be free
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[…] The people, places, and activities you engage in regularly have an enormous impact on your energy as an HSP. […]