Some days, it can be hard to find things to be grateful for. The baby is crying, your back hurts, and you had a fight with your partner last night and still haven't made up. This is life. However, often when we take time out to stop and truly appreciate the people around us, the life we have, and the opportunities we get each day, we have the power to turn the tides and change our perspective. Each year, November rolls around and we have a whole month where we can pause to spend a few extra minutes in gratitude each day. Because I adore this audience and am an HSP myself, I've created this unique and free gratitude journal for the Highly Sensitive Person. ... Read More
Is There a Highly Sensitive Person Scale?
It's normal to want to better understand yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP. You may have spent your childhood and much of your adulthood not understanding yourself. Maybe you never understood why you needed more downtime than others, why new environments or obnoxious people exhausted you so greatly, or perhaps the way you noticed subtleties in your environment drove your partner crazy. We measure lots of things on a scale including pain and happiness. You might be wondering, is there a Highly Sensitive Person scale?... Read More
HSP Certification Equips Coaches and Therapists
Gaining a better understanding of being highly sensitive can help activate your personal growth process. Many HSPs are extremely self-aware and frequently look to coaching as a way to evaluate, grow, and learn more about themselves. Finding a coach or therapist who has HSP certification to become better equipped is important. Utilizing a coach with HSP certification could mean breaking through barriers in your personal and professional life in valuable ways. ... Read More
Finding a Therapist Who Understands the Highly Sensitive Person Trait
Finding a therapist who understands the Highly Sensitive Person trait is possibly one of the best ways to impact your therapy goals. Once you've started learning about the Highly Sensitive Person trait as researched and documented by Dr. Elaine N. Aron in her book, The Highly Sensitive Person, it might become important to you to find a therapist or life coach who is an HSP or understands the Highly Sensitive Person trait. Many therapists, coaches, and people in the healing and helping professions are highly sensitive, which is very helpful for HSPs who are seeking support. We who are sensitive can support others who are sensitive because we understand the ups and downs that go with the territory. Overall, finding a therapist who understands the Highly Sensitive Person trait can be vital to reaching your goals for therapy.... Read More
7 Online Highly Sensitive Person Courses
It's amazing how much we can learn from the comfort of our own homes. Many professionals have created online Highly Sensitive Person courses to develop a better understanding of ourselves and find resources. Finding out that you're a Highly Sensitive Person can feel unsettling at first; thankfully, there are many trained, insightful teachers who can help you learn more about the trait of high sensitivity and boost your confidence in all areas of life.... Read More
10 Books About Parenting Highly Sensitive Children
Books help us uncover knowledge and often are the most helpful way to learn about the trait of the Highly Sensitive Person. Parenting Highly Sensitive children is hard and books can offer insight, help, and advice on best practices to work into our parenting arsenal. Highly Sensitive Children (HSC) often require more attention, more guidance, and more help as they navigate the world filled with stimulation.Each of these nine books offers insight and help in the parenting of highly sensitive kids:... Read More