Whether you just learned that you’re a Highly Sensitive Person or have known for a while, you might be looking for the best ways to attain support and which route to go to. It may give you comfort to know that HSP coaching and therapy can work together to help you find the help you need to thrive. While they may seem similar, there are some big differences, including the focus, length of time you receive the service, and payment method. ... Read More
Lauren LaSalle
About Lauren LaSalle
Lauren LaSalle is a licensed clinical mental health counselor in the state of New Hampshire, an HSP coach, a Highly Sensitive Person, and the host of The Highly Sensitive Podcast. Lauren loves theatre, dance, and spending time with her loved ones (including her cats, Dexter and Crookshanks). You can find out information about Lauren’s HSP coaching programs (and free resources) by visiting www.laurenlasallecoaching.com.