The common challenges of being a highly sensitive entrepreneur is a topic close to my heart, as I’ve been an entrepreneur for over six years. I previously worked for someone else, and I burned out at 26—a point in life when most people are full of energy. That wake-up call showed me that the standard nine-to-five routine wasn’t for me.... Read More
Anne-Kathrin van Tiggelen
About Anne-Kathrin van Tiggelen
Anne-Kathrin van Tiggelen is a writer, social media expert and the co-founder of HiSensitives is a personal growth brand for highly sensitive people and empaths. Many highly sensitive people and empaths still see their trait as a weakness, and HiSensitives wants to change that. Therefore, Anne-Kathrin and her husband Riny have made it their mission to make the world a better place for highly sensitive people and empaths. With HiSensitives, they want to inspire HSP's and empaths worldwide to invest more time in themselves and their personal growth.d