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Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur: Overcoming Common Challenges to Success
The common challenges of being a highly sensitive entrepreneur is a topic close to my heart, as I’ve been an entrepreneur for over six years. I previously worked for someone else, and I burned out at 26—a point in life when most people are full of energy. That wake-up call showed me that the standard nine-to-five routine wasn’t for me.... Read More

5 Goals for Managing Clutter as a Highly Sensitive Person (Plus 6 Issues to Tackle)
Because you're sensitive (which is an incredible superpower) you know that you're unique, gifted, and an excellent addition to your circle of family and friends. You love helping others and exploring all that life has to offer while navigating the minefield of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), the clinical term for the Highly Sensitive Person. You might also have noticed that your environment matters a lot and that managing clutter as a Highly Sensitive Person is practically a full-time job. ... Read More

5 Strengths of Male Sensitivity
Sensitivity in men is often misunderstood and unfairly labeled as weakness, but it’s actually a significant strength. Many highly sensitive men struggle to accept this aspect of themselves due to... Read More

How to be Gentle with Your Sensitive Self (6 Ways)
During difficult seasons, health crises, or chronic illness flare ups, it can be essential to be gentle with your sensitive self. What does this mean, you might be asking yourself? It means taking a detour from your regularly scheduled activity level, ramping up your self-care, ramping down your to-do list, and going to great lengths to preserve your physical energy and mental well-being. We know that highly sensitive persons (HSPs) are more prone to chronic ailments and somatic interpretations of stress, so no matter what, learning how to be gentle with your sensitive self is a critical step in preserving your physical and mental state.... Read More

Navigating Overload: A Highly Sensitive Person’s Toolkit for Tackling Big Goals
If you’re ambitious, being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) can often feel conflicting. You want to reach the next level and accomplish incredible feats, but your nervous system gets overloaded. It can be frustrating when you struggle to sustain momentum or achieve your big goals in the same manner as your non-sensitive counterparts. However, this doesn’t mean you need to give up or shame yourself for your sensitivity. Instead, lean into your sensitivity and use tools that help you reach your dreams in your own way. Navigating overload can mean taking a big step toward tackling big goals.... Read More

Spring Awakening for the Sensitive Soul
Spring is nearly here. It’s that season of fresh starts and budding possibilities, when the world feels like it’s waking up from a long nap. For many highly sensitive persons (HSPs), this spring awakening can bring a mix of relief and overwhelm—we’re excited by the blooming beauty but also overwhelmed about how much energy it can stir up inside us.... Read More